PFAs Analysis
What are PFAS? Perfluoro-alkyl and polyfluoro-alkyl substances (PFAS) are a family of thousands of synthetic fluorinated organic compounds with multiple C-F bonds. The C-F bond is the shortest and strongest bond in nature, and is responsible for most of the functional characteristics of these compounds.
PFAS have been used in diverse ways for more than 50 years to make products non-stick, water-repellant, and resistant to fire and climatic conditions. They are persistent in the environment and resistant to normal degradation, meaning that PFAS residues are commonly found in soil, sediments, environmental water, and biota. They are considered to have potential adverse effects on environmental and human health.
Analytica’s PFAS method is validated for the determination of 31 PFASs (or 35 compounds if we include mono-branched and di-branched PFHxS and PFOS) in drinking water, fresh water, and waste water. The method may also be applied to soda or sulphur spring water or sea water subject to performance verification. Get in touch with our client support team to request a list of compounds and information on their reporting limits (RL).
Quality Control
Our special purpose triplicate container design addresses common contamination issues with PFAS testing through extraction of the entire container.
Each batch of analysed samples will incorporate a range of laboratory QC samples including:
- A blank (Type 1 water)
- Low and high spike samples into Type 1 water
- A sample duplicate
- Low and high spikes into sample duplicates
Samplers are encouraged to consider which QC samples should be collected during the sampling process - we are happy to discuss this further on request.