Methamphetamine Technical Documents

When Analytica tests samples for residues of methamphetamine, interpretation of the results of that testing is carried out by the person or party who have collected the samples. A range of factors need to be taken into account when doing this - requiring specific knowledge of the property that the samples have been collected from, and the reason that the testing is taking place.

NIOSH Method 9111 

The method, originating in the United States of America, which is widely regarded as the international reference for collecting and analysing wipe samples for methamphetamine.

Guidelines For The Remediation Of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Sites

Guidelines published by the NZ Ministry of Health in 2010.

DRAFT Standard - Testing And Decontamination Of Methamphetamine Contaminated Properties

The DRAFT of a new Standard for methamphetamine sampling, testing, and remediation in New Zealand. Published in late 2016. The official version of this standard, NZS 8510, was released in June 2017 and is available through Standards New Zealand. 


Review of Remediation Standards for Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratories

A report prepared by the Crown Research Institute ESR for the New Zealand Ministry of Health, as an input to the development of the new Standard for methamphetamine sampling, testing, and remediation in New Zealand.  The contents of this report have been used in development of the DRAFT Standard document also available on this page.

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